theMeiburg's Blog

A place to post, share, and discuss life's daily events.


[28 March 2007]

We have streaming videos!

Click on the video links on the right to access the streaming video content. The same videos posted to YouTube will be removed shortly (mainly to relieve my own paranoia).

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[27 March 2007]

Streaming videos coming soon.

Good bye YouTube! Check out Emily in our private video archive. Watch for the announcement for support for streaming these files shortly.

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[18 March 2007]

2007 FCS Spring Concert

Emily sang a solo in the 2007 FCS Spring Concert. Here's the video of her singing The Girl I Mean To Be.

If you are having problems hearing this video, try the YouTube page for the video. And if that doesn't work, make sure to turn your speakers are ON!

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[18 March 2007]


To the Meiburg family blog. All are welcome to contribute. Please email me to get added to the list of contributors. Hope to hear from you all soon.

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